Base autonivelante Level Set® 500 HF
TEC® permite que los contrapisos sólidos respalden el concepto de diseño del gimnasio
Consejos de mejores prácticas para instalaciones exitosas de SLU de alto flujo
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When installing tile in cold weather, you must consider the temperature of the water, the product, the room and the surface you are installing on. This article provides tips and best practices to ensure successful tiling in the colder months.
“Self-leveling underlayment” (SLU) is a bit of a misnomer. Although this type of product is incredibly useful, it does require a thoughtful installer to ensure the best results. Follow these guidelines to prevent issues in your self-leveling underlayment installation.
Flood testing is a critical step to ensure the performance and customer satisfaction of any shower tile installation that will be subjected to continuous water flow. If the tile isn’t watertight, you could be responsible for costly repairs due to water leaks, mold and other serious moisture issues.